Welcome, UofSC Law Class of 2025!
We love seeing you in the building. Please stop by to say hello, and let us know what we can do for you.
Finding Your Way

Finding your way around the law school? Law School Maps
Finding your way around the law library? Law Library Maps (The law library has only one non-emergency entrance/exit.)
Sign up for a 15-minute guided law library tour: LibraryFest!

UofSC Law Academic Technology supports the
Sprints Student Printing System in the Student Commons and Room 381.
UofSC Law Library supports Scanners and Copiers in Room 120A in the Law Library.
UofSC Law Academic Technology supports eduroam WIFI, also supported through UofSC DoIT and Wifi Troubleshooting.
What other questions do you have? If it’s not a question the law library can help with, we’re happy to help you find the contact person in the right department.
Ask A Librarian.