HeinOnline recently announced that they have now indexed all the session laws for South Carolina.
session laws: a publication in bound-volume form of all enactments and resolutions of a legislature passed at a particular session, indexed, and numbered usually in chronological order —distinguished from code
How far back in history does “all” reach?
The first recorded South Carolina law was in 1694, when South Carolina was a colony. The law was “An Act for making sufficient Fences, and keeping the same in Repair.”

Here’s how we found it:
- Go to law.sc.edu/library.
- Click Quick Links, then click HeinOnline in the dropdown.
- Click Session Laws Library, then click State Session Laws in the dropdown.
- Scroll down, and click South Carolina. The years available are 1694-2017.
What else can you find?
- Click on any year in in the chronological list to see all the South Carolina laws that were passed in a particular year.
- Type a word or phrase in the “Search this Title” search box to see every instance of that word or phrase in South Carolina law over the years.