The law librarians at UofSC Law who teach the research portion of the 1L Legal Research Analysis & Writing (LRAW) course have created, used, and annually updated an in-house electronic textbook titled LRAW Research for some years.
In 2022, for the first time, LRAW Research is now password-free. It is easier than ever for current law students and alumni to get a refresher on any topic covered in LRAW. Lawyers, paralegals, students in law-related fields, and interested members of the public may also benefit freely from this online guide to finding, citing, and updating federal, state, and secondary sources of law, with a focus on South Carolina.
Fall and Spring
LRAW Research is divided in two parts. The Fall semester textbook covers
The Spring semester textbook covers
- Secondary Sources
- Federal Statutes
- Federal Cases
- Regulations: Federal and South Carolina
Find, Cite, Update
Within each main topic, LRAW Research first provides an overview of how that type of legal information is organized. This helps a researcher get their bearings. There are also search tips for finding each type of legal information online.
LRAW Research explains how to cite each type of legal information covered. Click on a main topic like Federal Cases, then click on the subtopic that begins with Citing…, such as Citing Federal Cases. This helps a legal researcher recognize a citation to a certain type of legal information and to compose their own citations.
LRAW Research explains how to update each type of legal information as well. Updating is necessary to make sure the information is current.
Get Started
The Getting Started page of the LRAW Research electronic text for the Fall semester begins with a guide to what 1Ls may find most useful on the law library website, including links to Lexis and Westlaw.

The Spring textbook’s Getting Started page describes databases and websites (including some that are free to the public) used in both Fall and Spring.
Ask a Librarian
Questions about LRAW Research? Email, or chat with a law librarian Monday-Friday, 9-5.