What new court rule went into effect in South Carolina on January 1, 2023?
Pilot Program for the Designation of Secure Leave Periods by Lawyers

Beginning in 2023, lawyers can designate up to three weeks of secure leave per calendar year in the Attorney Information System (AIS) that SC courts use to schedule trials and hearings.
The new rule enables lawyers to reserve time off for themselves and their families, secure in knowing they won’t be required to appear in court during those weeks.
This is a temporary rule for calendar years 2023 and 2024, and the court will evaluate whether to modify, extend, or rescind the rule.
Researching SC Court Rule Effective Dates

The “What’s New” page on the SC Judicial Department’s website includes the SC Supreme Court’s orders amending court rules, in reverse chronological order from the most recent orders back to 2013.
Typically, the effective date is stated toward the end of the body of an order, before any attached rule language.
Reserving Time Off

Whether you’re a South Carolina lawyer, or preparing to become one, or none of the above: what time off are you reserving for yourself in 2023, for your own health and wellbeing, and for togetherness with family and friends?